Join us for Coproduction Corner 11 March 24 11am-1pm

Come to Southampton Voluntary Services for our next session on coproduction.

Coproduction is about how we work together to design policy and services.

The session is intended as a safe place to share knowledge and support each other around coproduction.

On 11 March 11am-1pm we build on the work that we did on 1 December 2023. Please see the blog of the previous event. Co-production corner — Centre for the South

This is for people, whatever your background or interest, that are committed to gentle support for each other and mutual learning, as we our journey towards better working together.

At the session we aim to look at the following:

  • Do some collective patterning This will involve making sense of the information that we have already collected around what makes a welcome, safe and brave space, and identify key findings. It is a technique that we will trial out and see whether useful to do more of in the future.
  • Chatting about project ideas This is your chance to suggest a project idea, for us to explore through a coproduction lens in our corners. We will talk about the Design for Wider Action process as an option.
  • Eat lunch Please either bring something to share, or if you prefer not to share, then bring your own picnic.

Please book through this link.

Do get in touch with Rebecca if you have any questions or comments or ideas!






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