Room Hire
Below are the charges for hiring the Voluntary Action Centre. Anyone wishing to use one of our rooms will need to meet our criteria, no statutory/private business may use the rooms unless they are working in partnership with one of SVS' staff.
Please note, we have two pricing structures, the first is targeting new/small or emerging organisations with an income below £5,000 and everyone else over £5,000
Voluntary/Community groups with an annual income of under £5,000
Groups will be able to have free use of the following rooms:-
- Onslow
- Palmerston
If groups are wishing for one of the large rooms then charging will apply at a special rate as follows:-
- Oxford £7 per hr
- Oxford/Onslow combined £8 per hr
- Palmerston/Onslow £6 per hr
- Oxford/Onslow/Palmerston £10 per hr
Voluntary/Community groups with an annual income over £5,000
Charges will be as follows:-
- Onslow £6 per hr
- Palmerston £8 per hr
- Oxford £12 per hr
- Oxford/Onslow £16 per hr
- Palmerston/Onslow £12 per hr
- Oxford/Onslow/Palmerston £24 per hr
If organisations are requiring Oxford/Onslow/Palmerston for a training/conference then a special rate is applicable:-
- Full day £130 (minimum 7 hrs)
- Half day £65 (minimum 3.5 hrs)
Criteria for hiring rooms – Groups must be:-
- A voluntary or community group in membership of SVS
- Groups that are constituted and becoming a member of SVS
- New/emerging groups that are working with an SVS member of staff
- Partnership work which includes a member of staff and the room is booked by them and they are attending the meeting
There is a maximum 3 months allowed for advance booking
Click here for room size information
Click here to find out about membership